AWARDS | SIGGRAPH 90 | Academy 96 | Academy 98 | Doctorate 99 | CSG 04 | NGS 04 | CRN Fame 04 |
NAE 06 | ASG 07 | Washington 10 | ASG 10 | Mundos 11 | DiMe 12 | NMSU 12 | |
AAAS 13 |
The Washington Award 2010
Each year during the Chicagoland Engineers Week the prestigious Washington Award is conferred upon
an engineer whose professional attainments have preeminently advanced the welfare of human kind
Presentation of the award is made at a joint banquet of the members and guests of the following professional engineering societies:
Western Society of Engineers (WSE)
American Institute of Mining (AIM)
Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers (MPE)
American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE)
National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE)
American Nuclear Society (ANS)
The WSE Washington Award website has a list of previous winners, 1919-2009, which includes:
I am extremely pleased of course to have had my name added to this list on 19 Feb 2010 in Chicago.